Why did a wellness plan auto renew early?
Delays with payment may create a condition where the wellness plan will auto-renew prior to the Current Services Expire on Date. The Plans up for Renewal list can help to identify such plans.
For example, the plan’s (payment) debit-date of the month is changed to a date less than the services expire on date. If the plan becomes Paid-off and auto-renew is enabled, payment 1 of 12 for the new service-term will be collected by the system prior to the services expire on date. Typically this payment is collected on the Current Services Start on Date.
A method to spot check for this is to use the plans up for renewal list. From the Operations-tab choose Plans up for Renewal and check the box for Auto Renew Only. There are three (3) columns to inspect: Billing Status, Service Expiration Date, Final Payment Date. When the Billing Status = Paid-Off, and the Final Payment Date is less than the Service Expiration Date, this would be the condition.