Why is the auto-renew selector not available?
The auto-renew selection “switch” is attainable from the Customer Detail page. In the Billing Information section choose the Action link. If a wellness plan is Suspended, a past Balance Due exists, the Action link is not available (hidden). The plan will not auto-renew when the plan is Suspended.
To ensure the plan will auto-renew correctly, satisfy the past Balance Due and Reinstate the plan.
If the Current Service Expires on Date is eminent, and the plan should auto-renew, manually auto-renew the wellness plan via the Renewal Instructions screen. Note: manual auto-renew may be necessary when the plan is no longer Suspended and the auto-renew selection is set to Yes.
If the wellness plan is Suspended and becomes Expired, the wellness plan should be cancelled. Until attempts to reach the consumer for payment have exhausted, “visibility” to this account will remain as it is visible via the Payment Issue List. The plan should remain Expired/Suspended until the moment to Cancel Plan.